Wednesday, October 6, 2021

"Death Valley," On AHS, Started So Strongly, Then Petered Out. Where Do We Go, Now?????????????????????????

                                            I was buoyed by the black-and-white opening, last week, on "Death Valley," on "American Horror Story," with its blending of "The Wizard Of  Oz" and "Close Encounters Of The Third Kind."  Not to mention spot on portrayals by Lily Rabe, Sarah Paulson and Neal McDonough, as, respectively, Amelia Earhart, Mamie Eisenhower, (who my family always said looked like Aunt Kathleen, and it was true!) and her husband, President Dwight D. Eisenhower.

                                        The black-and-white technique was brilliant.  Was this some recreation of Roswell????????????????????

                                          No sooner is the viewer  settled into this, then the screen blinds one with color and a group of young actors, destined to go nowhere (even Kaia Gerber, who is Cindy Crawford's daughter, but not much of an actress) are out on some dumb adolescent road trip--like, who cares?--and are attacked--or are they?--by alien tentacles.  Again, who cares???????????????

                                             If this is to be the rubric of "Death Valley," I say stop right now,  and wish to go back to "Red Tide."  Things were getting interesting just as the survivors hit L.A., and more gold  could  have been mined from this.

                                               Alas, I don't write the show.  Just this blog.


  1. Welp, I had high hopes for this one.
    I wish you DID write for this show.
    Or consult at least.


  2. Victoria,
    Thanks for the support.
    I would have loved to write for this.
    If so, Alma would have been brought back;
    she has been the hit of the season!

  3. I wish to hell you WERE writing this back half AHS season: it would be a heck of a lot more coherent and entertaining.

    "Death Valley" lost me as soon as Ryan Murphy began stomping his bizarro-logic WTF agenda boots all over it. Considering how much he supposedly stumps for gay rights and positive representation, what in the actual fk was the point of that gratuitous scene with two vapid boy toys going on an on and ON about eating ass and catching various diseases from doing it? What was that supposed to be, some sort of shock value "gay in your face, Amurica" statement?

    Wrong venue, Ryan: it might be hot in a story about G4P twinks on the party circuit, but nobody wants to hear it in an X-Files derivative- its distracting, gross and needlessly stokes the fires of potential Anita Bryants to rise up with their pitchforks again. Plus, we had to endure the cliched trope of the buggered twinks ending up pregnant: seriously? If you wanted the shock value of "pregnant male", wouldn't having at least one of the guys be straight be far more surprising and transgressive? Knock it the hell off, Murphy: you're not helping the cause, in the least, and this foreshortened half season can't afford to waste time on such nonsense. Get back on track pronto with Mamie, Marilyn, and how this all ties in with the Black Pills, Sister Jude and the Asylum aliens.

  4. My Dear,
    I cannot express how shocked I was
    to hear such vulgarity discussed on
    this show. Clearly this part of things
    involving the young quartet is getting
    nowhere with me. I can't believe two
    gay men can't figure out how they will
    give birth. Do they know about the Cesarean

    Sarah's Mamie is the best. With only
    two more episodes to go, I think it is a waste.
