Friday, October 8, 2021

Oy! What Have We Gone, And Done??????????????????????????

                                        First, darlings, let me say I had nothing to do with this.  Last evening--or was it the one before--David  just causally told me he had bought two tickets--at $250 each--for this revival of  "Funny Girl."  He agreed that if the Covid gets worse, we don't go, or if the project folds (as I suspect it may) we will get our money back.  I should have been consulted.

                                         The day we are scheduled to go is the matinee performance on Saturday April 2, 2022, which just happens to be the 43rd anniversary of  my mother's death.  If we go, I  hope she  keeps an eye on  us, from  above.

                                          Of course,  every Theater Queen in town will  go.  And I am more  worried about Beanie  facing their ire, rather than the critics.  Over the years, more suited performers, like Neva Small or Judy Kuhn,  not to mention a young Patti Lu Pone might have fared better--but Beanie????????She has got a voice, but not THE voice, meaning less that she's not BARBRA and more  that her voice does not seem  strong enough to handle the vocal demands the score requires.  Remember how Madeline Kahn--God, rest her soul!--burned her voice out with  "On The Twentieth Century," back  in 1978?  I do, because I saw it, in previews, and even then I could tell  Kahn's voice would not last.

                                            If we end up going, it will mark The Raving Queen's return to Broadway, which is something to be celebrated.  If Beanie conks out onstage, we will  be third  row  center, and  I can  just get up there,  and  finish  the show.   I  have been wanting to  do "Funny Girl" since I was nine years old!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                               Only time will tell, darlings!  However it  goes, this will be some kind of an event!

                                                 And I will  share it with you, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Madeline Kahn blew her voice out in “On the Twentieth Century”?
    Which song? Babette??
    Looked like a fun show though.
    New York in sixteen hours!!


  2. Victoria,
    The minute Madeline began singing
    I could tell she was straining her
    voice. The production was stunning--
    staged by Harold Prince!1 How I
    miss him!
