Wednesday, November 17, 2021

A Pre-Birthday Celebration, With My Friend, Nicholas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                    After months of  planning, and just happening to fall on the day before my birthday, I got to visit my friend, Nicholas, who has moved from a health food store on Third Avenue in Bay Ridge, to luxurious digs further down on Ovington Avenue, and I want to tell you not only did I have a great time, but Nicholas gave me a real workout!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                       I sat in a lawn chair on the front porch, while David, his owner, waited to see if Nicholas was up.  Within minutes, he was, and came out on the porch.   I gently called his name, and he  looked wide eyed at me.   He rubbed up against me, and, as I bent down to pet his back, he threw his head back, and I  scratched under his chin--his favorite thing.  I knew then he  knew  it was me!

                                         Nicholas proudly showed  off his new digs, walking me all over the house, keeping a close eye on me.  I gave him some play gifts, which he pawed at, and then we pranced down the stairs, and  walked up and  down Ovington.  He ate a little,  then sat in his bed, next to the chair on which I was now seated, as I petted him.  He began to get sleepy, then revived, and show off how he could independently walk  up and down the street.  To be sure, he returned.  He is a refined, well behaved cat.

                                           But I was tired from my visit!  I assured Nicholas I would visit  him again--maybe next month--and was so happy about seeing him.  Seeing him, and receiving his love, was a great birthday gift, I can  tell  you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                             Love you,  Nicholas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. I adore the special relationship you have with this fine fellow!!

  2. Victoria,
    Nicholas is the greatest, and
    is a great comfort to me. The
    first time I have ever bonded with
    a cat!

  3. Nicholas is adorable with his little hair-do!

  4. Annie,
    Nicholas is the sweetest!
    Thanks for your comment!
