Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Happy Birthday, Neva Small!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                      Musical Theater Week continues with us honoring one of the Legends Of The Musical Stage.  Neva Small,  still noted for her performance as Chava in the 1971 film version of "Fiddler  On The Roof"--my God, that was 50 years ago!--turns 69 today, and you know what comes after that!  Can you believe it,  girls????????  Neva looks fabulous!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                        Of course, my special  memory of her will always be her poignant rendition of "I Wonder How It Is," from the 1967 musical, "Henry, Sweet Henry," which she performed in at only 14.  It made her a Legend Of The Musical Stage.

                                            I saw Neva in "The Golden  Land," in concert, and how I would LOVE to see her in a production of "RAGS."  That show cries out for Neva!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                           So,  Happy Birthday, Neva, and many more!  A toast, and cake,  to you!!!!!!!!


  1. The Golden Land - wasn’t that done in Yiddish?

  2. Victoria--
    Yes, it was done in Yiddish.
    They were all wonderful, but
    Neva was fabulous!
