Monday, November 8, 2021

Girls, This Is Why You Should Never Go To A Public Powder Room Alone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                      Of course, darlings, in our salons, at home,  it does not matter, as we have all the privacy we need.  But out and about is another story.

                                        Venturing into a public powder room unaccompanied may find you a salacious individual out to extort you.  Which is why "All About Eve" is such essential viewing.  It contains so many of Life's Lessons.

                                           Like how to get into a party, uninvited.  Simply say to the the hostess, as does George Sanders, "You were an unforgettable 'Peter Pan;' you must play it again soon."  One of my favorite lines!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                            Or, instead of snarling at a rival, simply bite off a celery stalk!

                                         And how about being confronted by unwanted truths?  The thing always to say in that instance is, "She was a liar!  She was a liar!"

                                          Yes, this film offers plenty of  Life Lessons.

                                           But the one about the public powder room is most  important!

See for yourselves, dears!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



  1. Men’s restrooms can be pretty nasty lol
    Ladies rooms are not so bad
    Family Guy did an episode where Peter decided to use only women’s restrooms lol

  2. Victoria,
    You are right about men's restrooms.
    In college, during an exam, (the course
    was an English one called "Satire") I
    took a break to go to the bathroom.
    I was so engrossed in what I had been
    writing, that I failed to notice the lack
    of urinals, the pink walls, and then.....
    the dispenser!
    Yikes! Thankfully, I was not seen!
