Monday, November 8, 2021

"Her Father Thought She Had The Potential To Write Literature!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                                               So did mine; as did my mother.  And of course, I did.  If I made any mistake, it was taking myself far too seriously.  When young, I envisioned myself as someone like, say, Jonathan Franzen.  I completely dismissed anything else, until a teacher unearthed a hidden flair I had for comedy or humor.

                                                 The point here is that the voice I wanted to express was not necessarily the one that chose me.   It took me till 2007 to find my voice, here on this blog.

                                                    Not unlike Joyce Maynard.  Her father may have thought one thing; what she wrote was another.  Prolific, successful; there is no denying it.  But literature?  Barbara Pym is literature.  Jonathan Franzen (again!) is literature.  Donna Tartt.  Joyce is more in the camp of Jodi Picoult--not necessarily bad, but several steps below the aforementioned.

                                                       I am sure she is content.  And so am I.  Of course, I would love a book or movie deal, like Julie Powell, who partially inspired this blog.  But should that not  happen, I will have this as my legacy.  And that is enough.

                                                         What we want is not necessarily what we get.  And what we get is not often what we originally sought.

                                                       I mean, girls, right now I am having a time.  Having reached my goal, on October 23, of having read 100 books in 2021, I am, with self-imposed pressure, setting out to break  my record of 115 books.  I am currently at 105, and I want to finish, because I have new works I want to discover, as some re-reads I am contemplating, like "Alice's Adventures In Wonderland And Through The Looking Glass," and "The Secret History."

                                                         For the creative folk, there is just not enough hours in the day.

                                                          So, what I write may not be literature for some.  But it is for others.

                                                           Most importantly, it is for me.

                                                           Wish me luck on that record, girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. I sing the Un-birthday song to my grandsons all the time!
    The I’m Late I’m Late song too!!


  2. Victoria,
    I had all the Disney story records
    when I was a child, and "Alice' was
    my favorite. I recall those songs, and
    I especially loved "All In The Golden Afternoon."
    How I wished I owned that DVD!!!!!!!!!!!
