Friday, November 5, 2021

Happy Birthday, Joyce Maynard!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                It has been awhile since this name has appeared on my blog.  But today is Joyce's birthday, and, at 68, it bears mention that April 2022 will mark the 50th anniversary of her career launching piece, "An Eighteen-Year-Old Looks Back On Life."

                                                   Joyce and I were Literary Nemeses for years, till "At Home In The World Came Out."  Finally, I understood where she was coming from.  But I wanted a voice for myself, and, since 2007, this blog has given me that.

                                                      At 20, I wrote a rebuttal piece called "A 20-Year-Old Looks Down On Life."  At 40, it was "A Baby-Boomer Looks To Middle Age."  I should have written  something once I turned 60, but other things were going on.  But, with the 50th Anniversary of Joyce's piece coming up, I am thinking of doing  a piece corresponding to my place in  life now.   There are so many things I have never written about, such as--

                                                  The people  in  high school who were kind to me, and got me through it, as opposed to the bullies and meanies,  whom I have chronicled already.

                                                   The day--November 12, 1970--when I was sexually molested by a neighbor living up the street from me.

                                                      The letter my uncle wrote belittling my mother and I, when she was terminally ill in the hospital, and that determined my course in getting out of Highland Park forever.

                                                         There are others I simply cannot write, as I don't want to out or hurt other people.  But, as Anne Baxter, as Eve, said of Addison, "I could make quite a thing of it."

                                                          Imagine how candid I could get, and still tell nothing BUT the truth.

                                                           Keep your eyes peeled, dolls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. I too, remember the kids who were kind to me during those traumatic years.
    Maybe I could track them down and say hey, that meant a Lot to me and I hope you have had a wonderful life!


  2. Victoria,
    My 50th HS reunion is coming up
    in two years. If I go, I plan to
    do just that, depending on who
    is there.
