Friday, December 31, 2021

Just A Word (For Now) On "David Copperfield!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                                      I finished my sixth reading of the Dickens novel last night, and I am still in recovery.  Is there any reader of the novel who has not fallen in love with Dora?  And can anyone deny Maureen O'Sullivan's performance of that role in the 1935 film, was the definitive interpretation?  When I saw the film, at ten, I wanted to marry Maureen myself.  Or should I say Dora??????????

                                      How much more I would enjoy the story if I did not know her death was coming.  On a careful reading, and Dickens does couch it carefully, it is clear Dora dies of a miscarriage.  She suffers one, and not being very strong, gives way, with time.  Her parting pains me each time I read it; I so wanted happiness for David, Dora and Jip, and still do.   When I read it yesterday, it took me several hours to recover from the episode.  Poor Dora!  So loving to David, and everyone; her deficits could easily be excused.  She is one of the few genuinely good characters in the novel.  And she suffered--losing her mother at birth, or when young, losing her father before her engagement, and then losing her child and husband.  According to my calculations, the marriage lasted a brief eighteen months.  She died about the age of 20.  Much too young! 

                                         There will be more on Dora as I explore the novel further.  For now, let us remember as a shining treasure that brought joy to everyone, for a time.

                                 And how carefully nuanced, and deeply moving Maureen O'Sullivan's performance was.  Simply perfection!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. I don’t think I EVER recovered.
    Well, I guess I did, but it affected me deeply.


  2. Victoria,
    When you know what is coming, it is
    sometimes worse.
