Friday, December 31, 2021

Well, That Wraps It Up For 2021, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                For a while, I thought we were on track in 2021.  But, then, Omicron hit us, and we became mired...just like Tawny, in the marshes, from Constance Savery's classic short story, "The Wastywych Secret."

                                                  But I did manage to read 124 books, have a loving year with my beloved David (to my Dora!) and the year moved faster than I thought.

                                                   Lord knows what awaits us!  I pray we get through 2022 in one piece!

                                                    So, another year for The Raving Queen.

                                                    Looking forward to more posts in 2022!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                    Happy New Year, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. 124 books?!!!
    Is that an all-time record???

  2. Victoria,

    Yes, it is. My previous record,
    years back, was 115.
