Saturday, January 1, 2022

Happy New Year! Baby Gojira And I Were The New Year Babies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                     We had a neighbor over, sipped at our Veuve Clicquot, and watched the ball drop.  Baby Gojira and I danced around the room, in celebration of the arrival of 2022.

                                       Yes, darlings, 2022 is here, and 2021 is history!  This is the first post of a new year, a new chapter in our history, and we hope it will be a good one for all.  With, of course, more Covid improvements!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                          Welcome everyone, to a new year!

                                          And, on this day, a very Happy Birthday to my David!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. We danced too!!
    Tried to teach the kids The Charleston!!!


  2. Victoria,
    I am good at the Charleston.
    We slow danced to a childhood song I
    recall from a Max Fleischer cartoon, called
    "Dancing On The Moon!"
