Saturday, January 1, 2022

Where In New York Is It Still Possible To Ride A Big Front Wheel Bicycle???????????????????????

                                       When I was in fifth grade, our reading text--the Advanced group, of course!!!!!!!!--was a text chronicling a foray through turn-of-the-century-America, called "Engine Whistles."  One of my favorite chapters concerned the ownership and riding of one of these bicycles pictured, and since then I have always wanted to try and ride one.

                                    Of course, I would wear a helmet.  But how does one get on, and off?  And, if I were to fall, even with a helmet, at my age, it would be straight to NYU Langone!

                                     But there is still something fascinating about that giant wheel. No Freudianisms, please!

                                      If anyone has any knowledge of this being possible, kindly inform me on here!

                                     Yes, like the song days, I am "half crazy," darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. I would definitely ride one if the opportunity presented itself!!!

  2. Victoria,
    But where, if any place, is there an opportunity.
    David thinks one has to use a stepstool, or something
    to get on and off. Challenging!
