Friday, January 21, 2022

Dreams Of A Racist Karen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                      Girls, if you thought all having gone before was something, wait till you read this.

                                       The woman pictured above I do not know anything about--name or anything--except that she is a fat, ugly racist bitch, who turns up on lots of Karen YouTube sites, spewing her venom.  She lives in what I imagine is Florida, the perfect place for a piece of trash like this, who thinks she is living on Tara, and no one has the right to be on her plantation.

                                         Pay attention to that last, as it figures in a dream I had last night, too.

                                          I was in a gay bar--not altogether unusual, but not my usual place to frequent, even in my younger days--and the place was having a contest that evening to select the campiest man in drag!  This woman was onstage, posing as one of the men in drag, even though she was a woman.  The contestants all lined up in a row, and the announcer came forward and announced--"The winner of our contest is--Scarlett O'Hara!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                                            Then this woman stepped forward, as though she had the right to call herself by that name.  Vivien Leigh must have turned in her grave!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                I would have loved to seen Scarlett go to it with this woman.  Scarlett would not take any of her crap, any more than any of her neighbors ought to!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                 A "winner," maybe.  But, in reality, a loser!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. You and your dreams!!
    The detail!!!

  2. Victoria,
    The dreams I remember are
    incredibly detailed. It is those
    that get away from me that puzzle me.
