Friday, January 21, 2022

How About My Bernadette Dream(s)??????????????????????????????

                                      Girls, we are not even near Ash Wednesday, and yet "The Song Of Bernadette" is running through my mind.  Several nights ago, I had this strange dream.  I was in my hometown of Highland Park, New Jersey.  It was a warm Spring or Summer night, and I was walking down South Fifth Avenue by myself, something I would actually do alone, or sometimes, with friends.  The street ended perpendicular to another, which overlooked Donaldson Park.  Before I go on--if any Parkites read this-- what is the name of the street mentioned here?  I cannot recall the name.

                                     As the dream went on, I was overlooking the park, from the top of the hill, and, to the left, I saw a young girl, in a veil, kneeling, staring at something invisible, which I could not see, apparently standing above her.  I was filled with awe and nervousness, as I realized the girl in question was Bernadette--Bernadette, I said, NOT Jennifer Jones--and something was going on.  I ran madly to the Catholic church and rectory in my town, but once I got there, they were not as I recalled them, but bigger and more lavish.  I knocked at the rectory door, told the priest who answered what I witnessed, but he did not believe me.  He said I would have to take it up with the Mother Superior.  I did, she did not believe me, and said I had to talk to the head priest, whose name I do not recall.  He listened to me and agreed to accompany me to where I had seen the sight.  When we got there, Bernadette was still kneeling, some people had gathered.  He watched the scene for a while, then turned to me.  His face was ashen white, and he said he not only believed me, but we must get back to the rectory and let others know.  That was how the dream ended.

                                         The second dream, which I had last night, involved the wall hanging in a recent post.  It was hanging on the wall over the fireplace in our living room.  My sister had come to see us for a visit, and was incredulous over the photo, not knowing what it was.  So ended that dream.

                                            What is going on?  You tell me, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. 🎼These dreams go on when I close my eyes; every second of the night, I live another life...

  2. Victoria,

    My dreams are more like pieces
    of my life put together in different
    ways. Like a kaldeiscope.
