Wednesday, January 26, 2022

Happy Birthday, Celia!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                       What is wrong with the people at "Playbill?"  Don't they know what is what in theater??????????????  Today happens to be the birthday of Celia Keenan-Bolger, who is not just one of the shining lights of Broadway, but a TONY Award Winner, who stepped in recently and repeated her triumph when "To Kill A Mockingbird" re-opened on Broadway, after over a year of being shut down.  As did her co-star Jeff Daniels.  Now that 'Mockingbird' has shut down again, I would not be surprised if Celia and Jeff were to step in again, when it re-opens in June--but at the Belasco Theatre.

                                             Happy Birthday, Celia.  At 44, you can still play youth roles.  And I eagerly await your next effort.  But, for now, kick back, stay warm on this cold Winter night, and enjoy whatever you want, on your birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                  We love you, Celia!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. How could they overlook her again?!!

  2. Victoria,

    I agree! She is one of Bway's
    best and most giving performers!

  3. She is one of many Broadway luminaries in "The Gilded Age"

  4. Marty049,
    Thanks for the heads up. I will plan to watch it!
