Wednesday, January 26, 2022

What Is Going On, With Sutton Foster???????????????????????

                                                    That is what Theater Queens want to know.  

                                                    Several weeks ago, both Hugh Jackman and Sutton Foster, headliners in the eagerly awaited revival of "The Music Man," at the Winter Garden, tested positive for Covid, and were out of the show.  Well, in no time, it seems like Hugh bounced back, and is up there doing his thing.

                                                       Meanwhile, not a word on Sutton Foster, which I find peculiar and bothersome.  Broadway audiences want her back and would like some information as to how she is doing, and when that return may be.

                                                            Alas, I have not been able to find out a thing.  It is time to fess up about Sutton, because people care, as much as they want to see her.

                                                              I wish Sutton all the best.  I hope her departure from the show does not loom in her future.

                                                                Get rid of Covid, Broadway!  So Theater Queens like me can feel safe to come back!


  1. She is returning next month, I believe.
    I don’t remember where I read that.

  2. Victoria,
    That is good news. If you
    recall where you read it, please
    let me know. Glad to hear, though.

  3. Vanity Fair!
    I will email you the article!
