Wednesday, January 26, 2022

What Does One's Perception Of An Optical Illusion Say About Oneself??????????????????????????????

                                              This is probably the most famous illusion out there, where can be seen a beautiful woman or a hag.  The first time I saw this, back in seventh grade, I saw the hag first, so what does that say about me?  It took me awhile to see the beautiful woman, and now I can see both simultaneously.

                                                  But I want to talk about two logos that, from childhood on, have acted on me, as optical illusions, and I wonder what it all says about me?

                                                    The first is the Garden State Parkway logo, in my home state, New Jersey.  I wish the word parkway was omitted from the center; it is on some signs, which make the illusion I will describe more believable.  

                                                        Now, intellectually, I know the green symbol is a portrait of the state of New Jersey.  But, as a child, before understanding that, I saw a side view of a soldier standing at attention, gun to his side.  And, truth be told, I still see this image.  And my only association with guns is "Annie Get Your Gun."

                                                           But what does it say about me?


                                Now, the Mobile Gas symbol is different.  I can see clearly now that it is a winged horse.  However, when I was a small child, driving with my mother along Route 27, out in Edison, where there was a Mobile Building, I would say to my mother that it was a hand glove, or what I would call "the Mobil Gas glove," to which she would respond, |"It's a flying horse."  It got to be a joke for years, whenever we would pass this.  I eventually outgrew this, but, until I did, I always saw in this symbol an elegant hand glove?

                                  What do you think of that, girls?????????????????????

                                    "Look for the girl, with the sun in her eyes, and she's gone."


  1. Once you see it, it’s impossible to un-see!!

  2. Victoria,
    How true! Those illusions have not
    changed for me!
