Wednesday, January 26, 2022

Is This Two For One? Or Four For Two?????????????????????????????????

                                                   I am talking about bosoms, darlings, because if any movie has them, "The She-Creature" does.  Thursday night, while reading, David called me into the bedroom, saying this movie, which I love, was just starting, and it was quite a revelation.

                                                     The title character, designed and played by designer Paul Blaisdell, who worked on several AIP pics, (he played "Cucumbo" in "It Conquered The World," which this film was on a second bill with.) is an interesting creation, so butch in design, it does not say "she" until one looks at it dead center, and sees its armor-plated bosoms.  Which look like two basketball halves stitched on.

                                                        Then there is minxy Marla English as the mysterious girl who hangs out at carnivals, (What is that all about, huh?) and gets picked up by alleged Dr. Carlo Lombardi (Chester Morris) whose moustache is as false as his credentials.  He is a charlatan hypnotist who uses Andrea (Miss English) to conjure up the title character, who starts out as mist, then emerges from the ocean, only to return, invisibly, feet exposed in the sand.  Girls don't ask me to explain any further.  Suffice it to say the creature's bosoms are enormous, while Miss English's are not bad, and heave quite often, as befitting a Fifties horror heroine!

                                                          But wait!  This film has two surprises!  As the married couple, the Chappels, who host most of the goings on, as Mr. Chappel is trying to make money off of this, Tom Conway, brother of George Sanders, and the great Frieda Inescort-- (forever remembered for her melting, cultured, clipped voice, and her signature role as Lady Jane Ainsley! in "The Return Of The Vampire.") oh, my God!--are on hand, and let me tell you, I wish Frieda had been given more screen time, as she really livens things up. The scene where she faints is the only one stolen from the She-Creature, as the other actors, pardon the expression, are just a bunch of stiffs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                           Campy and bosomy, "The She-Creature" can't be beat, dolls!

                                                             It makes me now want to see what Marla and Paul get up to, in 1957's "Voodoo Woman!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"


  1. My first horror movie was Alien.
    Traumatized for life!!!

  2. Victoria,
    OMG! When that creature came out of
    the opening body, my audience at the
    time screamed!
