Tuesday, January 4, 2022

My New Year's Resolutions!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                        I usually do not make them, darlings, but after 2021, I found two that I needed to make, and fast.  They come under two themes--

                                           Compare/Despair--I will not compare my closet with Blake Lively's.  I do not need this kind of vindication to tell me that I am fabulous, darlings, because, maybe in a BARBRA kind of way, I know that already.  No more of this, or comparisons of any kind!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                            No Pressure--At least, when it comes to reading books. I have begun the year with an old favorite, "The Witching Hour," in honor of Anne Rice, forgetting it is over 900 pages.  I am not pushing myself but having a great time.  Each year I always set a goal to read 100 books a year.  Well, this year will be different.  I want to clear my two vertical shelves of the volumes that have been adorning them for too many years, not to mention my NYRB Classics Project, and somehow, I have to squeeze in whatever literary "musts" happen onto the scene.  This I will do, but whether I make it to 100 or not, I resolve not to matter this year.  Of course, if I do, fine.  But I am not going to sweat it,, as I have, in years past.

                                              I keep my resolutions short and simple. No use making promises easily broken.

                                                Because, like the song says, "those kinds of promises can just destroy your life!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                                                Happy Resolutions, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. I agree completely!!
    No comparing = No despairing
    No pressure = No stress
    Well, LESS stress anyway!!!

  2. Always with your finger on the pulse of the cultural zeitgeist:

    "The Witching Hour" is currently in pre-production as beach head for a new attempt at streaming service branding, with intentions of doing the entire book cycle if it succeeds. The same group is also rebooting "Interview With The Vampire" as a series.

    Years ago, I enjoyed Rice' work immensely, but she had a precipitous fall from grace and became a sneered-at, dismissed cultural joke during first peak of internet flash mob celebrity cancellation fever awhile back. So its rather fascinating to see her being so eagerly (and suddenly) disinterred as the face of a new TV branding operation. Makes one wonder if licensing rights for the books had dropped to bargain-basement, can't lose pricing.

  3. Victoria,
    Yes. After the pressure of last year--
    self-imposed of course--it is time to
    take a break!

  4. My Dear,
    It is my favorite of Rice's books.
    I forgot how long it is. I have always
    felt connected to Antha, whose birthday
    is November 21.

    If it is going to be done, it has to be
    done RIGHT. I both anticipate and dread it!

  5. One New Years resolution..Survive!

  6. Marty O$(,

    Of course! Especially in these times!
