Monday, February 28, 2022

Farewell To February!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                           I have to confess the first two months of the year are the toughest for me.  The weather, the uncertainty, the anniversary of my father's passing on the 12th of February, all conspire to make these two winter months hard to bear.

                                                But there were some good things to this month.  The 164th Anniversary Of The Apparition Of Our Lady Of Lourdes on the 11th, David and I seeing "COMPANY" on the 23rd, all the "Svengoolie" films, "Dancing On The Moon," books read, and the slowly lengthening days.

                                                   Not to mention my sister's 82nd--yes, 82nd--birthday today!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                  March promises more longer days, the return to Earth from Hell of Proserpina, Spring, Shrove Tuesday, Ash Wednesday, meatless Fridays (not necessarily a bad thing), more books, and more "Svengoolie."  So hang in there, girls, March will eventually brighten things up.

                                                       Though, who knows if it will come in like a lion, or a lamb??????????


  1. Love the Snoopy picture
    Looking at stuff like that helps lift my spirits

  2. Victoria,

    I always try to find something to
    lift mine and everyone else's spirits on here!
