Monday, February 28, 2022

Get Well, Patti!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                          Quelle catastrophe, darlings!

                                           Just five days ago, David and I saw the revival of "COMPANY" at last Wednesday's matinee.  Second row center.  I will do a critical post eventually, but will say it was enjoyed, for the most part.

                                            Now, TODAY, I hear Patti LuPone has tested positive for Covid-19!  Covid!  And just three days after we saw her in the show--masked to the max!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                               What should we do, darlings?  Should we get tested?  Quarantine? Or what?

                                               I have a feeling we will be OK, but, as fortune would have it, I am seeing a doctor tomorrow, so I will sound him out!

                                                Meanwhile, get well, Patti!  Your costars need you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Oh dear.
    What did the doctor say

  2. Victoria,
    The doctor said the probability is very small.
    David is not worried. The doctor said if I
    start showing mild symptoms, to treat it like
    a cold, with Tylenol and rest. Should other
    symptoms materialize, I should get tested.

    So far, I am still OK.
