Friday, February 25, 2022

Go Ahead, Attack Me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                         Oh, my God, I know it is not fashionable to even mention "Gone With The Wind" these days, but you know what?  I don't care!  Fifty-four years ago, on this very day, I saw the 1939 classic for the first time, and it made quite an impression on me.  And once seen on the screen, well, there is just no other way.

                                   Hey, "12 Years A Slave" is just the other side of the coin.  But both have their place.  If you want to go see '12 Years,' by all means, do.  Me, I will stick to what I was raised on, the David O. Selznick film classic.  Not to mention Scarlett's vow at the end of the first half.  "As God is my witness...."It taught me when Life kicks you, you kick it back, and that has stood me in good stead up to the current age of 67.

                                   So, don't get on my case about "Gone With The Wind."  Or else I will say to you--

                                    "Get off these steps, you trashy wench!  Get off this land!!!!!!!!!!!!!"


  1. People going out of their way to be “offended” these days

  2. Victoria,
    And how! No one is allowed to have
    an opinion!
