Friday, February 25, 2022

"We'll Meet Again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                                    No, loves, this blog is not ending.  But now that Russia has invaded Ukraine, I can't help thinking of the end of "Dr. Strangelove."  I fear that this is embarking on World War III, and, if it does, Trump will ride the bomb for Putin, and destroy us all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                      I certainly don't hope this will become an actuality.  But having lived through the Cuban Missile Crisis, The Kennedy and King Assassinations, AIDS, 9/11, and Covid, what the hell is next??????????????????????

                                        Better not to know.  But mark my words, if these pics become reality, you heard it here, first!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. hello michael and david let me just say that birthday card was the best we are keeping that one now where the company review sis patti work her magic you must have thoughts by now and the sex reversal how did it work out and on that same note didnt you say you wouldnt see or do we need another music man and now youre saying you want to pay riduclous prices for a seat what happened and did you read if funny girl brannie is playing all performances or are they giving her certain performances off her voice doesnt seem that strong for 8 performances J ust wondering minds want to know hope all is well stay well norman

  2. Hey, Norman!
    We are doing OK! I will do a post on "Company."
    Some of it worked, some of it did not, but the songs
    were well performed, especially Bobby Conti's take on
    "Another Hundred People," something I have always wanted
    to sing. We have plans to see "The Music Man," but no idea
    when. As for "Funny Girl," I have not heard about Beanie
    limiting performances. We are going to a Sunday matinee,
    April 2, and David says if we do not see Beanie, we will
    ask for a refund!

  3. what next indeed!
    It snowed a little in the desert, where my Marine Corps son is stationed.
    Unheard of.

  4. Victoria,

    I hope your son does not have
    to go to the Ukraine. The whole
    thing is extremely disturbing.
