Monday, February 14, 2022

Happy Valentine's Day, Everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                   "Dancing On The Moon,                                                                                                                                     Holding you in my arms,                                                                                                                                   Far away above the crowds,                                                                                                                        Far away among the clouds."--                                                                                                                         --1935 Song Lyric

                                         The Fleischers--Max and Dave--created this titular 1935 classic cartoon, which enchanted me as a small child, and whose song I never forgot.  When David and I got together, it became what couples call "our song," and we hold each other, and dance to it often.

                                           What more appropriate day for this song than Valentine's Day?  The only thing that might surpass it is the Original Cast Album of "She Loves Me!," but, fond as we are of that most romantic of musicals, it does not have the sentimental pull for us as "Dancing On The Moon."

                                              So, I want to wish everyone on here a Happy Valentine's Day.  Celebrate however you will, to whatever song is yours!!!!!!!!!!!!!  This is a day of Love!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                   Here is the cartoon classic that enchanted me when young.  I had strong emotions, even then, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




  1. I love LOVE!!
    My husband and I do not have an “Our Song”
    Interestingly enough, my church has A Song- it’s the hymn “It Is Well With My Soul”
    We sing hundreds of hymns and songs but that one is our unofficial anthem!!

  2. Victoria,
    So glad you loved "Dancing On The Moon!"
    I sang in Dignity's choir in NYC for nine
    years, and that song ("It Is Well Within
    My Soul") is one I am not familiar with.

  3. Do you sometimes miss your Choir Years??

  4. Victoria,
    Oh, yes, I do miss those choir years.
    It was when I felt my most spiritual.
