Saturday, February 12, 2022

This Should Be As Big A Hoot As "Reefer Madness!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                                               Oh, darlings, the good old days of "public service films."  Like "Boys Beware," and my personal favorite, "The Snob."  Where are their like today??????????

                                                  I have to admit this poster caught my eye!  The consequences of carrying--oh, my!--sexual freedom too far!  I just love the billing---"Test Tube Babies," followed by |Guilty Parents.  Maybe the parents are guilty about the test tube babies!

                                                     What they should be guilty of is middle class morality--but hell, that is still around now; even more so.  Also, hypocrisy: if William Inge were still alive, he would find plenty to write about.  Remember, in "Splendor In The Grass," it is the struggling Deanie who has a breakdown, while the free-spirited Ginny gets killed in a car accident.  And this is still the moral standard today.

                                                      So, as campy as this film package may look, especially in its visual outdatedness, I am not so sure it is as outdated philosophically as I wished.

                                                       Funny, I started this as a humorous post.  Sorry it ended up a little sad!

                                                       But I will return, girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. A moment of delirious freedom?!!
    I don’t know about that lol

  2. Victoria,
    I would love to see this double feature!
