Wednesday, March 9, 2022

Gorgeous Gloria Holden Wears Different Glam Gowns In Every Scene Of "Dracula's Daughter!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                                                  As I have said, previously, darlings, the best things about "Dracula's Daughter" are the visuals.  Even more amazing that this was done at Universal, because, with George Robinson's cinematography, Albert S. D'Agostino's art direction, and Bymer's costume design, the viewer would swear this was done on the sneak at night on the MGM lot, (just as a Spanish company, five years before, had sneaked onto the Universal lot in the evenings to shoot a Spanish "Dracula" on Universal's sets) as the whole thing looks entirely too sumptuous for Universal.  Indeed, it was amazing what that studio could do with a little.

                                                      A feast for the eyes, the film transfixes one visually, if not dramatically.  The kinship of this daughter and Dracula is never established, and who in the hell cast Otto Kruger?  I am sure they could not afford Leslie Howard, nor that he would do it, but how about David Manners, so striking physically and dramatically, who played Jonathan Harker, in the original "Dracula?"

                                                           Then, there is Irving Pichel, as Sandor.  Talk about repressed homosexuality.  This film abounds not only with it, but bisexuality as well.  Countess Marya Zeleska goes for both male and female throats.

                                                             Those who steal the show are Edward Van Sloan, as Van Helsing, and Nan Grey as the ambiguous ingenue, Lily, whose encounter with Zeleska is the source of the film's primary lesbian connotation.

                                                                Girls, I had a ball, with "Dracula's Daughter."  A glam-piric foreshadowing of "The Devil Wears Prada!!!!!!!!!!!!"  Who knew???????????????????????

                                                                   Wouldn't we all like to wear some of Gloria's gowns, dolls???????????????????



  1. Now I want to be a GLAMpire lol
    Girls just want to have fun!!!

  2. Victoria,
    Absolutely! And I am sure you
    would look great in all those gowns!
