Saturday, March 12, 2022

"Hi To Everyone!" From My Good Friend, Nicholas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                               There is no question Nicholas is a professional cat, who can do anything he sets his mind to--athletics, medicine, or psychotherapy.  He has provided all of these to me, and isn't he just the handsomest, and loving, thing?

                                                 He is getting to be quite a star on this blog, so I know readers want to know all the latest about Nicholas.  His home is his castle, and he receives any guests he wishes to.  It is always an honor to visit him, because he treats me like a guest wants to be treated, while at the same time displaying empathetic concern for my health, which I know he is always keeping an eye on.

                                                  Nicholas knows I write about him, so he wanted to let readers know that he is doing just fine.  He likes his independence, which is why I think he does not seek celebrity!

                                                     But Nicholas is always a celebrity to me, and, I am sure, to the rest of you!

                                                      He sends all his love!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. The Adams Cats send Love to you too, handsome Nicholas.
    They are All wise and compassionate, and quite knowledgeable about human nature!!

  2. Victoria,

    Nicholas sends his love to all the Adams Cats.
    He is so handsome! And loving! It perks me up,
    when I visit him.
