Tuesday, March 29, 2022

Happy Birthday, Amy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                March has been one of the maddest of Marchs--lion to lamb and back in barely a span of a day!  Who knows if what we know as Spring will actually arrive??????????

                                                  Today, there is something wonderful to celebrate.  The birthday of the beloved--to everyone on here, darlings! --Amy Sedaris!!!!!!!!!!   Amy is 61 today, and doesn't she look lovely?  Her brother, David is SO right, when he says Amy is the most attractive of the Sedaris siblings!

                                                    So, a happy birthday to Amy--how I would love to see her multi-colored decorated apartment!!!!!!!!!!--and how much I, and so many, miss her on television.  Come back to us, Amy.  Your special brand of cheery humor, not to mention Patty Hogg, Lesbo, Nutmeg, and Chassie Tucker, is so missed; please come back to TV, Amy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                    But, meantime, congratulations, and have a fabulous birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Yes Happy Birthday Amy!!
    We miss your wacky, upbeat spirit!!!
    Don’t you know that it’s worth
    Every treasure on earth
    To be young at heart!!!
