Monday, March 28, 2022

Why Wasn't Blake Lively, In Her Rainbow Versace Dress ,(Which I Would Just LOVE To Wear!) Not At The Oscars, Last Night? She Should Have Been!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                         Absolutely no question her presence would have helped, as there was demonstrably little class to the program.  Let me say that right before tuning in, I had just viewed "The Tragedy Of Macbeth,"(Oh, my God, girls, you HAVE to see it!) mistakenly thinking it was nominated for Best Picture and Best Actress--Frances McDormand. Both of whom should have won!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                           What class there was consisted of Anthony Hopkins, Lady Gaga, and Liza Minnelli.  Now, no one expected Liza to stand on a chair, singing "Bye, Bye, Mein Liebe Herr," but couldn't "Cabaret," with Liza, been given as much honor time as the overrated, "The Godfather?"  And what was up with poor Liza?  Lawdy, Lawdy!  Did she know what was going on?  Where she was?  What was up?  The poor thing!  Lady Gaga pulled it off with class.

                                        But I know what you want to hear about--the slap seen 'round the world!  I say to Will Smith, You go, Girl Bitch!  Slap that Chris Rock across the face!  He should have knocked him flat across the stage!  As for Will, he had no idea he was going to win an Oscar.  I have to say that was quite a surprise.  I was expecting Benedict Cumberbatch!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                          Now Jada Pickett, Will's wife, has alopecia, and has spoken candidly about it.  Chris needs to keep his mouth shut, dissing people's personal afflictions, especially with millions plus witnessing this.  Poor Jada!  Between that and the slap, that couple must have either had a quiet ride home, or a heatedly discussed one.

                                             That this would happen proves the Oscars is going down the tubes.

                                               And no doubt--it will be spoofed next year, or maybe earlier, on SNL!!!!!!!

                                              Blake, where were you, when needed?????????????????????????


  1. I’m just sick of spoiled-brat celebrities In General...

  2. And you are right about it being spoofed on snl; I wouldn’t be surprised if they are working on it Already!
    I thought it WAS a skit at first!!

  3. I do find Chris Rock funny at times, just don’t care for the vulgarity


  4. Victoria,

    Oh, I am sure SNL is planning something.
    I thought it was staged when I saw it. When
    audience members began reacting emotionally,
    I knew this was real. Both behaved badly--
    Chris should not have said what he did, knowing
    about Jada's condition, and Will overreacted.
    But I feel more sympathetic toward he and Jada.

  5. And he just, he always has that little Smirk on his face

  6. Victoria,

    I have seen Rock live. He is even
    more vulgar then. I don't find it funny.

  7. Somehow you missed all the "Will Smith is a lock" publicity in the weeks leading up to the show, RQ. After last years fiasco with Hopkins "stealing" Best Actor from Boseman, the Academy made sure to push Will as the lock this year.

    Regards the slap- oh FFS, people: when has Will Smith NOT been an ass? He's been a pompous, toxic, temperamental, self-infatuated creep going all the way back to when he was "discovered" for Fresh Prince. Did we forget his arrogant, nasty homophobic remarks when he got cast in Six Degrees of Separation? Endless rants about how disgusted he was at the thought of kissing a man onscreen, and how desperate he was as "a real man of color" to weasel out of that key scene? Tom Hanks, this guy is not. As for that smug obnoxious Jada, well, open the dictionary under "hypocritical see you next tuesday" and you'll find a glorious Kodachrome photo of her.

    That slap had nothing to do with the tepid bald joke, and everything to do with the fact the person Will really wanted to smack unconscious was the very wife whose "honor he was protecting" (BTW, I love this ludicrous media defense: suddenly we're living in medieval times? Then why wasn't Jada sporting a wimple?). Will became unhinged when Jada's torrid two-year affair with HER SON'S BEST FRIEND fueled the tabloids a few months back, which Jada then crassly seized upon to publicize her own personal podcast. Jada HERSELF went on to explicitly describe their marriage as a complete sham, hinting she's not even sure who the father of one of her children actually is. Will has had to grin inanely thru all of this and pretend he's fine with it, despite having checked himself in to a glamorous psychiatric ward four years ago when Jada's antics with both women and men first leaked.

    As for "poor wittle Jada" demanding respect for her alopecia": puh-leeze, girl. First of all, despite Monday morning revisionist news media history, her having was NOT common knowledge prior to Oscar night. Second, its (unfortunately) a very common affliction among middle aged and older women of all races, not some exotic POC-specifc issue of despair for Jada. Third, anyone with a large screen HDTV could see the perfectly even, densely populated stubble on Jada's shaved head: certainly Chris Rocks viewpoint from the stage to Jada's front row seat ten feet away would make him think she simply shaved her head as a fashion choice or did it for a current acting role (hence the utterly appropriate, mild, completely inoffensive GI Jane reference).

    If Will and Jada were so pissed and "shocked" that her shaved head drew such a mild mocking comment, they're denser morons than they appear to be. Don't want anyone at THE BIGGEST CELEBRITY SCRUTINY EVENT OF THE YEAR to comment on your head? Then don't shave it bald and sit in the front row with your nominated spouse, dimwit! Wear a hat, wear one of your frigging $10,000 weaves, anything but shave it so badly that the very "alopecia" you're so embarrassed about isn't even obvious but looks like a stupid attempt to be "edgy" instead. Duh.

    Rebel Wilson nailed the Will/Jada relationship with her comment at the BAFTA awards when she said "Will's greatest performance this year was pretending he isn't at all bothered by Jada's tasteless choices in extramarital partners". And Chris Rock may be vulgar but he also (admirably) has zero patience with celebrity BS and political posturing. He sliced Jada right down to size when she made such a ridiculous display of not showing up cuz "Oscars So White" in 2016. As the host that year, he compared her boycotting the Oscars to him boycotted Rhianna's underwear: "err, last time I checked Jada be playing the one-eyed villain on a Batman TV series, and hasn't made a movie in years: I might as well boycott Rhianna's panties, cuz just like Jada I *wasn't invited*!". Mike drop.

  8. AND Chris Rock said “Macbeth” in a theater!!
    Not that I’m superstitious or anything

  9. My Dear,
    Let me say David and I had no initial intention
    of watching the Oscars. But after being dazzled by
    "The Tragedy Of Macbeth," and mistakenly thinking it
    was nominated for major awards, we tuned it. I had no
    idea Will Smith was even nominated, much less a lock.
    I really don't follow the Oscars anymore.

    The whole thing was handled horribly. As for Jada, maybe
    if Will had stayed still, the world at large would not
    have found out she has alopecia. Not something I would
    want known. As for Rock, I have seen him live, and he
    gets just as nasty with non-celebrities, so he is an equal
    opportunity hater.

    We watched "CODA" last night. Very moving. Emilia Jones
    should have been Oscar nominated. A striking performance.

    As Sondheim said, "Where's discretion of the heart, where's
    passion in the art, where's CRAFT?"
