Monday, April 4, 2022

A Crime I Have Wanted To Write About For A Long Time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                        David, much to both our dismay, has returned to work at his office, after two years of working from home.  The only bright spot this provides is more time at the computer, where I can maybe write on more topics, revive BOTW, and review books individually.

                                           The Hart Family Murders was an act of family annihilation.   John List set the gold standard for this, on November 9, 1971, when he shot his wife, mother, and three children in their Westfield, New Jersey, --just thirty miles north of where I was then growing up-- home, then went on the lam till apprehended.  Susan Smith, who drowned her toddler boys, while watching the whole thing, back in 1994, could be counted in this category as well.

                                            Now, the Hart murders happened on March 26, 2018.  At that moment in time, my father had passed six weeks before, so I was not in an especially good place.  Thank God for David.  I knew I was aware of it, because when ID recently ran a program, which I had never seen, it came back to me.  Only it was more horrible than I recalled.

                                                Jennifer Jean Hart, and Sarah Geiger Hart (who had her surname changed from Geiger to Hart) were a lesbian couple, who had met at Northern State University.  Sarah graduated, with a degree in Elementary Education, while Jennifer never finished.  When they formed a life together, both were working at the chain store Herberger's; Jennifer quit to become a stay -at- home Mom, but really because she was too fat and lazy to work and wanted to live off the money they were getting for toward caring for the six adopted children.  Sarah worked her way up to an administrative position.  They moved from town to town, state to state, because eventually authorities would catch on to the fact that the children were being physically abused.  They were also being denied food, and health care, because the women were hogging the money.  Once, in a moment of compassion, Sarah tried to dole out food, and stop the abuse, but then Jennifer turned on her, so Sarah became an abused spouse.  That was the children's last chance.

                                                    Except--While living in Woodland, Washington, in August of 2017, Hannah jumped out of a second story window in the night, ran to her neighbors, the DeKalbs, saying she was abused, and showing marks on her body.  Shortly after this, Devante turned up there, stating they were not being fed at home.

                                                        The kids had no contact with the outside world.  They were allegedly being home-schooled and were only trotted out for publicity shots at protest events--like the picture above--stating how altruistic the two women allegedly were to care for all these Black children, and purportedly proclaiming their Great White Liberalism.  But it was all a sham.  Jennifer, especially wanted no part of work, and just wanted to live off the money received for the children.

                                                          But by March of 2018, authorities were closing in, and, under the guise of a family trip, the couple drove to Mendocino County, California, where on March 26, Jennifer loaded up on alcohol, while Sarah and the children, with Sarah's aid, loaded up on Benadryl.  There by the foot of a cliff, Jennifer drove them all over the cliff, killing everyone.

                                                              This was no "Thelma And Louise" fantasy, darlings; this was cold blooded murder.  If Jennifer and Sarah wanted to end it all, fine, but why the children? Because psycho Jennifer wanted control, of course, up to the last moment.

                                                                 The car ended up on the beach, with everyone dead.  I myself wonder about something--if Sarah had shown compassion in the past, was she a willing participant, or a coerced victim?  I am not excusing what she did, but this made me think of that episode, "No Exit," on "Law And Order, Criminal Intent," where a suicide pact club gets hit by an ongoing train--only someone in that car was NOT a member!  So, I still wonder about Sarah.

                                                                  So great was the impact that Devante's body was thrown, far out into the ocean, where it has never been found.

                                                                   The Hart Family Murders was special enough to peak my interest.  Usually it is just the old life insurance policy over divorce routine, or scorned mistresses or lovers.  A dime a dozen.  The Harts were a chilling couple, and a special kind of evil.  How I would have loved to see them survive, and be convicted!

                                                                   Welcome to the return of my Crime Chronicles, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



  1. The latest episode of Atlanta was inspired by this tragedy.
    Truly disturbing

  2. Victoria,

    I just read about the episode, and now I want
    to see it!
