Friday, April 1, 2022

"I Want A Couple Of Cheeseburgers, Some Fries, And A Chocolate Shake. We Mill Hands Have To Eat Regular!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                                            Remember when Betty Anderson said those words to Rodney Harrington, in Grace Metalious' groundbreaking 1956 novel, "Peyton Place?"  It is one of many favorite moments of mine in that novel, spoken just before Rodney and Betty go off to the lake, where he impregnates her, because, as Betty says, he does not know enough to wear a "safe."

                                               The other thing to remember is Betty was an overly hormonal charged teen from the Wrong Side Of The Tracks."  Being a teenager, her metabolism, at that stage of life, could have handled food intake like this.  Darlings, I cannot tell you how many times I have wanted to order this myself, (except it would be a Black And White Shake!) but I am afraid of the reaction I would have--nausea? Vomiting?  A Metformin attack?  A sugar rush????????????????????????

                                                   Hell, I jones just for a shake.  Well, that may be possible.

                                                    Probably just one bite, and a sip of each would do it.  But what a waste of food and money!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                        If only metabolisms, like skin and hair, would remain!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 


  1. That does look good!!
    One of the complaints Mother has at the retirement community is the food.
    It seems to be a hot button issue with a lot of the residents.
    We have eaten there with her many times; I find it tasty!!
    How was it at your father’s facility?!!

  2. michael im waiting for a review of funny girl i know its not barbra but so far beanie is good the voice good doesnt get all the notes and breathing is off but sets are good dancing very good supporting cast very good im waiting for your voice lets go hi david hope all is well norman

  3. Hi, Norman,
    David just went back to work today,
    for the first time in two years. I
    will be posting my "Funny Girl" post
    this week but let me just say this.
    It was not a train wreck, which is
    what I was expecting. Hard to get
    Barbra out of one's head, even while
    watching Beanie. Will report more
    later. Hope everyone out in Bloomfied
    is fine. And I still visit Nicholas!
