Sunday, April 17, 2022

Baby Gojira Wishes All On Here A Happy Easter And Passover!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                             Our lovable Baby Gojira is always in a celebratory mood, especially when it comes to holidays, parties, and his pink fairy princess Spring outfit.  Doesn't he look just fabulous, darlings?  I am telling you, ANNA should take note, and use him in a cover shoot or a layout.

                                                 Nevertheless, he wanted me to wish all of you on here a very joyous Easter and Passover holiday season.  Blessings and love are sent forth to you from all of us on here.

                                                    Happy, Happy, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Hey lil cutie!
    What a lovely arrangement!!
    And I love all the plants in the background!

  2. Victoria,
    David posed Baby. And
    the plants are ours. Both
    of us like having plants around.

  3. I Love plants and flowers.
    Really lifts my spirits.
    Our azaleas and lilies of the valley are in bloom right now, I’ll try to send you a picture!!

  4. Victoria,
    I would love to see a picture.
    Plants and flowers are truly uplifting.
    David is great with plants, and my mother
    had a green thumb too. We once had a ten
    foot high avocado plant!
