Sunday, April 17, 2022

"At Dawn, On The First Day Of The Week, Mary Magdalene Carried Spices To The Tomb, To Anoint The Body Of Jesus!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                                        This is really what Easter is all about, girls!  And if there just happened to be a rabbit in the vicinity, that was incidental!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                           The popular bill of sale sold to generations was that Mary Magdalene had been a prostitute.  That is not necessarily the truth, but the poor woman suffered, yet became one of Jesus' most stalwart followers.  The Easter Gospel always starts with the titular phrase.

                                              Yes, Easter is about Jesus' Resurrection, and the hope it gives to us all, but let some credit be given to Mary Magdalene!!!!!!!!!!!!  And by the way, this is the REAL Mary Magdalene I am talking about, not Yvonne Elliman.

                                                 The blessings of Easter be with you all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. aww I remember reading that Yvonne and her husband were arrested for drug possession.
    Meth, I think it was.

  2. Victoria,

    I never knew, or don't recall.
    How long ago was this?

  3. Victoria,
    I guess I had forgotten! Thank you!
