Wednesday, April 20, 2022

Belated Easter Wishes, From My Good Friend, Nicholas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                            Isn't he just the sweetest, darlings?  That's my handsome feline friend, Nicholas, posing for Spring, wishing all on here, including myself, a very happy Easter.  Nicholas really does know how to pose, when it comes to the camera.  And he is so handsome, and loving!

                                              Nichoas is one "cool cat."  I cannot wait to have another visit with him; so much to talk about and talk over.  And he is such a good listener.

                                                   I just wanted to share this beautiful Spring shot of Nicholas.  It makes me happy, and I am sure it will all of you, as well.

                                                     Back at you, Nicholas!  I love you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Yes, animals are so very wise and non judgmental!
    I haven’t forgotten about sending you a picture of my lilies of the valley, in fact I’ll try to include one of MY cats.
    And my little blind dog!

  2. Victoria,
    I would love to see them all.
    Nicholas certainly does know how to
    pose for the camera!
