Monday, April 11, 2022

It Was A Weekend Of Happenings, Girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                        Next weekend, the R train, our main means of transportation, will not be running on weekends, till sometime in June, so this was our last chance to go into Manhattan, and we had to, for several reasons, which I will get to.

                                            But first, let me wish a Happy Belated Birthday to Ann Morrison!  Theater Queens Of A Certain Age, such as I, know who she is.  How could I forget--after seeing her not once but twice in the original production of the musical, "Merrily We Roll Along," and, over the years, at various concert venues? So, Happy Birthday, Ann, weather that Covid in Florida, and hope you return to perform in NYC soon.

                                            The other reason was to do a spiritual pilgrimage, which I did, and can say was successful.

                                               Another reason we went was celebratory.  It was this--

                                             That's right, darlings!!!!!!!!!!  Coinciding with the 15th Anniversary of this blog, on April 7, Three Lives Bookstore reopened at its established location, 154 West 10th Street, and it was like Old Home Week!  I came out with a massive haul of books, the store looks great, still easy to find things, and the staff is as terrific as ever.  I cannot tell you how happy having this home-away-from-home back in its original location.  A breath of hope, I am telling you.

                                                  The last thing we did was something of a good deed.  We visited our friend, Alvin, now in rehab at The Village Nursing Home, on Houston Street, right across from the Film Forum.  Alvin seemed emaciated and frail to me, but then he has been through a lot, suffering pain from a torn pelvic bone.  Of course, being so close, we had to take a look at the Film Forum, and, girls, it really did not look any different, except for some new carpeting. David discovered there was an extra screening room installed, but don't ask me how.  Until they show something I will RUN to, I am not ready to go there!


                                      And, of course, yesterday was Palm Sunday, the start of Holy Week!  So, I want to wish all on here a very happy one.  I did not get my palm, but maintained the spirituality of the day by listening, as we do each Sunday morning, to Sister Camille D'Arienzo, whose message was forward thinking, comforting and reassuring.

                                          All in all, a big weekend.  Not to mention a playdate with Dexter, earlier in the week, which I may cover.  And, of course, a report on  "The Wolf Man."

                                           So far, April is shaping up nicely!  May it continue!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



  1. Sounds like a lovely day!

    Didn’t David just return to work?
    Like, last week??
    And now this subway tragedy!
    I try not to worry
    To Pray instead of worry
    It’s not easy, is it.

  2. Victoria,
    Yes, this was David's second week back at work.
    I called him this morning, he got there without
    incident. He said while the train was noticeably
    less crowded, it was like nothing had happened
    yesterday. May it stay that way. You are right,
    it is not easy.

  3. Wow back to normal the very next day
    Whatever “normal” is anymore

  4. Victoria,
    You are so right. Exactly what
    is normal, nowadays?

  5. My husband has been using the word “bizarre” a lot lately, in telling me the various incidents going on around the country and the world.
    The Bizarre is becoming the Normal, it seems.

  6. Victoria,
    When I was a child, there was a community
    in the DC Superman Comics Universe called
    the Bizarros. They had white chalky skin,
    but otherwise looked like us. Their philosophy was--

    "Us hate beauty.
    Us love ugliness.
    Is big crime to make anything perfect on Bizzaro world."

    Maybe that is where we are now! Frightening!
