Wednesday, April 13, 2022

So, What's Up With Beanie Feldstein??????????????????????????

                                        Girls, I know.  You want me to write about yesterday's subway incident, which shut down our lines, and effected David and I personally.  Thank God (and Sister Camille, Bernadette, and Mary!) that he got home safely.  He went back to work today--refused to stay home--and I talked to him.  He reported there were no incidents, though the train was noticeably less crowded.  Otherwise, he said it was like nothing had happened.

                                            When I have processed everything, and calmed down sufficiently, I will give a more cohesive report.

                                               Meanwhile, what about Beanie Feldstein????????????

                                                As you know we saw the show nearly two weeks ago.  Beanie seemed thinner than pictured above, because she is working hard.  But, for all that, the word on the street I keep hearing is not good.   Added to which--and this shows she really is not ready for Broadway--she is already outlining days she will take off.  She has the nerve--the NERVE!!!!!!!!!!!--to take a week off, four days after Opening Night.  This would be from April 28 to May 5.  Then August 26-29.

                                                   This is not how the Broadway game is played, darlings.  Or how to win friends with other cast members.  And while fans continue to call her "The Bean," it is unearned.  Ethel Merman was "The Merm," but look at her legacy.  What stage cred does Beanie have?  A bit part in "Hello, Dolly!?"  Come on; even Barbra Streisand did not become BARBRA till after winning the 1968 Oscar.  So, who is Beanie Feldstein to act like she is entitled?  It's not like she is difficult to replace, because, while she does not soar in the role, there are plenty out there who would.  And, you know, I wouldn't mind seeing the show again, just to see some of those prospects.  You may have gotten your "dream," Beanie, but, in the end, what will it do for you?

                                                       Her unprofessionalism smacks of Hollywood, where she was raised, and not Broadway or New York.  Enjoy it while you can, Beanie.  Because you won't be back!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                        For those who want to see Beanie--go ASAP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                        "I'm not taking this from some third-rate diva, who can't SUSTAIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. The California mindset
    The work ethic is just not there

  2. Victoria,
    I never thought of that, but I
    guess you are right. Why do Californians
    feel they are so special?
