Wednesday, May 18, 2022

"A Very Merry Half-Birthday, To Me, To Me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                                       Girls, can you believe six months has gone by?  I am now 67 1/2, so, according to one of my most avid readers this is my half-birthday.  Here is a question--how does celebrate this quasi-milestone day??????????????

                                         Just doing what I do any other day--read, talk to all of you, and just enjoy the day given.  As I push ever nearer to 68!!!!!!!!!!!!  Good gosh, that means, in two years, I will be......

                                           No, I won't think it.  As Scarlett said, "Tomorrow is another day!!!!!!!!!!!!"


  1. I’m singing the song!!
    Golden Afternoon is next!!

  2. Victoria,
    I sang it yesterday.
    And right now, I am having a Golden Afternoon.
