Saturday, May 21, 2022

What Could Dr. Phibes Be Up To, This Week, Dolls????????????????????????

                                       I guess we will all find out, this week, girls, as "Svengoolie" presents the 1972 sequel, "Dr. Phibes Rises Again.  Vincent Price is on hand, and a new Vulnavia, played by Valli Kemp.  But how garish will it be?  Will it foreshadow "Mulholland Drive," or reference some other film?  That will be part of the fun of watching it, this evening at 8PM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                        Now, darlings, I have some sad news.  I am told this week will be the last episode of "Sventoonie."  I hope Sventoonie comes back for a series of more episodes, because I just love his deconstruction of films.  Besides, he and his crew are the funniest thing on the air since Amy Sedaris left it.  And you know I am still hoping for her return, girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                          So, join us tonight at 8, for what is essentially Part 2 of the Dr. Phibes story.

                                           I guarantee he takes no insurance!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Funny you should mention Amy; I was just reading what she had to say about her sister, who took her own life a few years ago.

  2. Victoria,
    Where did you read this?
    Was it David Sedaris' famous essay,
    "Now We Are Five?"

  3. Hmm where did I see that.
    I did read “Now We Are Five”
    By her brother
    But this was an interview with Amy.
    I will see if I can find it.
    All I really remember is, she said it was life-changing, that she feels the presence of her mother, her sister, and pets who have died, and that she visited a psychic. And that the psychic got her sister’s voice down pat!!

  4. Victoria,
    That is weird about the voice.
    I never put too much faith in
    psychics. I will look online
    for this Amy interview.
    Miss her so much on TV!

  5. I agree with you on psychic skepticism.
    I was curious, but I researched and found they have been debunked.
