Saturday, May 21, 2022

Now, Here Is Something We Could All Use More Of, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                     Dionne Warwick, who knew the way to San Jose, also said "what the world needs now is love, sweet love." She is still right, but what is needed more of today, is the above.

                                      For those new here, this word means, style, glamour, flamboyance, elegance, and things thereof.  I know most, if not all of my readers, have this, but, unfortunately, I can't speak well of the world, and all the situations we face.  ANNA tries her best with The Met Gala, but only those who can afford $35k are allowed to attend.  Just think, darlings, not even BARBRA--who could pay for everyone--has been seen here.

                                       I am not questioning ANNA.  I would never dare.  But I do question that as a nation we are becoming more style-less, class-less, and devoid of culture.  Oh, it is still out there, but only those like us will search for it.  And who reads anymore?  And those of us who do are regarded as wasting our time.  I heard plenty of this, growing up, from some relatives.

                                        But now things seem even worse.  David says it is the aftershocks of Covid, and I think he is right.  Human behavior is deteriorating, as is the quality of humanity, and communicative thought.  Turning over Roe V. Wade?  Deplorable!!!!!!!!!  God help what is next!!!!!!!!!!!

                                         The answer is social eclat.  We must all exercise it aggressively, those of us who have it.  For those who don't, it should be taught--from elementary school on up.

                                          Not everyone can be Baroness Pauline de Rothschild.  But we can all do our best to emulate her qualities.

                                               Otherwise, it sounds like our future is heading to the ending of the original, 1968, "Planet Of The Apes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                                                 Save ourselves, darlings!!!!!!!!!  Pay more attention to Blake Lively!!!!!



  1. We are outnumbered, it seems.
    Like I used to tell my kids, what’s right is right, even if nobody else is doing it, and what’s wrong is Wrong, even if Everybody else is doing it!!
    I don’t think manners are taught as much; when I was growing up, it was always “what will people think?”
    There were Consequences for impolite behavior.

  2. Victoria,

    Exactly. No accountability today.
