Friday, May 13, 2022

Celebrating The 105th Anniversary Of Our Lady Of Fatima!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                       That's right, set years ago, on this date, the Blessed Virgin Mary appeared to three Portuguese children--Lucia dos Santos, and Francisco and Jacinta Marto.  Jacinta, the youngest, became the champion of Fatima believers.

                                                           On the hundredth anniversary, just five years ago, those children were canonized as saints by the Roman Catholic Church.

                                                               And, on this day, in these times, I am thinking, do we need a visit or sign from Mary now!!!!!!!!!!!  I mean, the world has really gone topsy turvy, and is getting worse.    And the comments made in 1917 about Russia seem disturbingly prescient.  

                                                                  So, let us remember this day with respect for one another and reverence for Mary.  And thank all the Fatima Children for what they have done.

                                             And you damn well better listen to Jacinta, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. No explanation is necessary..,

  2. Victoria,

    ...And no explanation is possible.

  3. A belated Happy Birthday to Jason:
    Voorhees a jolly good fellow
    Voorhees a jolly good fellow
    Voorhees a jolly good fellow
    Which there's nobody left to deny.
    (If you're English, "And so say all of us who are left)

  4. Tom,

    So good to hear from you!
    Glad you are OK!
    Yes, Fatima's anniversary fell on
    a Friday.

    We watched Betsy Palmer that evening!
