Monday, May 16, 2022

".......In That Lazy, Hazy-Like, Kind Of Crazy-Like, South American Way!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                                     Now, I know all my girls on here just LOVE "Mildred Pierce."  But some may be surprised that it is not all darkness and bitchery.  Though the opening credits, with the waves washing up on the beach to reveal the titles, to Max Steiner's music, lets it be known right away this is not a comedy.

                                       It has its lighter moments, too, and one of these--a favorite--comes when Veda is playing the piano, Kay is dancing, done up as Carmen Miranda, and they are singing to the Aloisio de Olivera and Jimmy McHugh 1939 hit, "South American Way."  This is such a great moment and Michael Curitz, the director, should have let it reach its conclusion.  But no; Joan has to come in and ruin everything, and back we go to Mildred and Veda bitching at each other.  The scene reaches it dramatic climax on one of Veda's most famous lines--"My mother--a waitress!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                                        I mean, how could poor, misunderstood Veda face herself, let alone anyone else?  What about her goals?  Too bad Veda never realizes she is just one step up from White Trash.  The thought of it is unthinkable.

                                         But I love this little musical interlude, and sometimes I dance to it myself!  I was doing it all this weekend!
                                           Here is the scene, which should include the dance interlude.

                                           All us girls, young and old, should do it.  As to the make-up, as Veda says, "It's JUST some lipstick, mother!"

                                            Make sure it is the right shade, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. I dance to it too!
    You know I’m always twirling and dancing!!

  2. Victoria,
    Of course! Why shouldn't you?
    I always love this moment in "Mildred Pierce!"
