Friday, May 6, 2022

Darlings, Just Look At This Dress!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! No Wonder Blake Lively Was One Of The Hosts At The Met Gala!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                     You know I wanted to be there, darlings!  And you know I want to wear this dress.

                                                      Not only was my invite misplaced again, but you know how much they wanted for admittance?  Thirty-five thousand dollars a person!  How do Ryan and Blake do it; let alone David and I?  That is seventy-thousand for a couple.  How do these people have so much money? And how much is actually floating around out there?  And why doesn't some of it spill my way??????

                                                         But isn't Blake breathtaking, girls?  We all want to wear that dress!

                                                          You can bet it did not come from Kohl's!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Is Seventy Thousand Dollars like, pocket change to them I wonder??
    WE could change the World with that kind of money

  2. Victoria,

    I was thinking the same thing. Even if
    I were wealthy, I would think twice about
    spending 140k on an evening out!
    I just cannot imagine.
