Friday, June 3, 2022

All Right, What The Hell Is Going On With Beanie Feldstein??????????????????????????????

                                        I have some ideas, girls, but first let me confess to something that happened, or didn't, yesterday.  I was coming from my doctor visit on West 52nd Street and had to walk right pass the August Wilson Theatre, where "Funny Girl" is now playing.  As I approached the building, the stage door opened, and a man popped out, onto the street.  I so wanted to walk up to him, and ask what is going on with Beanie!  But I felt intimidated; a rarity for me.  I didn't know who the guy was, so maybe he does not know, or he might tell me he can't tell me, as he has to remain silent.

                                            Which is what I expect.

                                               What I can tell you, right now, is that Beanie is missing more performances than those she had scheduled, prior to opening.  One of those, on August 27, David and I have tickets for, so we can see Julie Benko, who is all that Beanie is not.

                                                   Now, my theory on all this?

                                          Beanie has problems, and they are all crashing down on her!  Oh, yeah, Beanie got the Broadway. Com Audience Choice Award for "Outstanding Breakthrough Performance," but big whoop!  Who the hell are they kidding?  Even Beanie isn't dumb enough to think this is a genuine recognition, instead of some booby prize that maybe her family paid the organization to give to her.

                                               Right now, Beanie is fuming that all her "Funny Girl" expectations did not come true.  So, she is holing up in her hotel room, dining on Entenmann's baked goods, and boy, those wardrobe mistresses are going to have to do some serious alterations when Beanie returns.

                                                   Which begs the question--when?  After missing two consecutive weekends, one a major holiday one, the potential "Funny Girl" attendee has a problem.  It almost has to be determined performance by performance!  When is Beanie going on, as opposed to Julie?  For those who actually want to see Beanie--We did, and others should to find out what all the negative buzz is about!--or those who want to see Julie, it becomes a guessing game.  No one on the creative or production staff is saying anything, and I did not see a notice posted for last evening, when I walked by.  If the lead of this production is going to be out, then the notice should be posted at once.

                                                         I am telling you, down the road, the producers are going to have to manufacture some cock and bull story about why Beanie can no longer do the show, and then put in Julie!  It is about time!  But all this radio silence only arouses more suspicion and cynicism.

                                                          What is going on, over at "Funny Girl?"  Remember, comments can be anonymous on here, so if anyone out there knows anything, please know your identity is safe on here.

                                                             And stop being a petulant, spoiled brat, Beanie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Funny you mention Entenmann’s!
    We were just talking about those glossy chocolate covered donuts in the long box; looked good but man, were they dry! Pass the milk!!

  2. Victoria,
    I remember those donuts, and yes you are right!
    I used to peel off the chocolate, and just eat that!

    Their crumb cake was very good. My mother and I
    both loved that!
