Friday, June 3, 2022

The Culprit, Or Culprits, Who Did This Earn My Title For Bitch(es) Of The Week!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                       I have walked by Our Lady Of Sorrows Church, on Stanton Street, many times, while in lower Manhattan.  The outstanding feature outside is a recreation of the appearance of Our Lady Of Fatima, on May 13, 1917.  I always stopped by and prayed in front of it.  Now, to my recollection, there was never a fence in front of it, but, in light of recent events, I guess someone had the wise idea to put one up.

                                       But that did not stop the person or duo, who climbed over the fence, and got out, but while inside destroyed not the Virgin statue, but those of Lucia dos Santos and Jacinta Marto!  Can you believe this?  Two children, who were recently canonized as saints?????????????????

                                         I am certain whomever did this was male.  And no one is coming forward, so these are cowards.  But I can assure you one thing--

                                          To do this to Jacinta!  Jacinta!!!!!!!!!!!  The holiest child at Fatima!  Be sure, whomever is responsible, if the law does not get you, Jacinta will!  This child means business!  So those responsible had better start making reparations.

                                             How low can one go?  Don't ask; in our world, it only seems to get worse!


  1. The eyes of The Lord are in Every Place, beholding good and evil...

  2. Victoria,
    They better keep them peeled on
    whomever did this heinous act.
