Saturday, June 11, 2022

"....Don't Let It Be Forgot, That Once There Was A Spot, For One Brief, Shining Moment, That Was Known As Camelot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                                    Much as I love Bay Ridge, darlings, I would never call it Camelot.  But, last Sunday, for a brief four to five hours, in this spot under this tree, where more than thirty years before, when I lived nears Owls' Head Park, I would come by myself to read, Bay Ridge became Gay Ridge, when the very first Gay Pride event was held.  All I can say, darlings, is it's about time, and how fortuitous David and I were here for this historic event.  Someone even took a picture of us, but I have not seen it pop up somewhere.  Time will tell.

                                        People brought picnic lunches, there was a Queer Pet March, with the cutest little, and big, things ever seen, and so lovable. One came over and greeted us!  What was most interesting was, having lived in Bay Ridge now for 12 years, I was curious to see who would turn up.  Amazingly, no one was there whom I had seen before.  With one glaring exception.

                                           That exception was the Socialist Lesbian, a tall, butch thing, whom we had seen before at the pro-choice rally in front of Nicole Malliotakis' office, and who declared the experience, when younger, of having an abortion, was "liberating."  Hmm....I never heard anyone else I knew who had one call it that.  But the freedom to have one is important.

                                                Still, it was a benchmark event, and proves even Bay Ridge is moving forward.

                                                Back in my initial residency period here, I never thought it would.


  1. There’s simply not
    A more congenial spot
    For happily ever aftering
    Than here in Camelot!!!

  2. Victoria,
    How true! According to what I
    heard yesterday, over 1,000 people
    turned out. We went early, so it was
    pretty low keyed.

  3. Did your picture turn up anywhere?!!
    Which t shirt were you wearing!!!

  4. Victoria,
    The picture has not turned up.
    To the best of my recollection, I was
    wearing my green T shirt, with Seamus,
    the dog, on it!
