Saturday, June 11, 2022

More Saturday Love, From Nicholas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                     Who can resist that face in the first pic?  Nicholas, this blog's unofficial star, sends love to all, and is looking forward to watching tonight's potential deconstruction of "Dementia 13."  Though his favorite horror movie is, understandably, "Shadow Of The Cat," which is like a feline riff on "Shadow Of A Doubt."  Nicholas is very comfortable in the apartment he inhabits, and he is also very clever, so I predict, girls, at some point, ownership will be turned over to him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                        But I know my girls can't get enough of Nicholas, and he loves to pose.  I am telling you, I have got to put together a portfolio of both he and Baby Gojira and send them to ANNA!

                                          Sweet Nicholas!  You make the day sunny and bright!


  1. He sure does!!
    He should have his Own show, perhaps Cat Scan. Or Catskills!!

  2. Victoria,
    If I were Nicholas' owner, he would
    have his own show! He is a true star!
