Friday, June 10, 2022

Happy Birthday, Judy Garland!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                               Can you believe it, girls?  Today is Judy Garland's 100th birthday.  David and I celebrated it four days earlier, when we went to a special screening of "The Wizard Of Oz," at the Regal Theater, downtown by the World Trade Center.  It was a gorgeous print, few people, and just like a private screening.  And, once Covid hit, I thought my last chance to see this film on the screen, where it belongs, was gone.  What a blessing.  And to see it once more, with my David.

                                                   The rest of the week was taken up with doctor appointments for both of us. Just checkups.   As for today, well, it should be declared a National Holiday, and every gay man that lives and breathes should take the day off.  Stay home, watch some Garland films, listen to some recordings, or videos on You Tube.  I am even wearing my ruby slipper booties!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                    Judy Garland was a once in a lifetime phenomenon.  What is there to prove  it? All her oeuvre having been captured in various media!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                       So, take a day, or a moment, to remember a talent, now gone, but still always with us.

                                        Here!  Listen to perfection!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. I certainly did take a moment to celebrate her!
    MORE than a moment!!
    And I honor her Spirit ever day of my life!
    Downtrodden, but ever hopeful!
    Knocked down but refusing to Stay down!!
    Vulnerable and sensitive, but strong and resilient!!
    Surrounded by greed, yet still generous!!!
    Living in a world filled with anger and hate, yet continuing to spread peace, joy, Hope, and LOVE

  2. Victoria,
    Not to mention that voice. Talk about
    once in a lifetime. When I watch 'Oz,' and
    she sings "Over The Rainbow" tears still flow.
    And to think she was only 16!!!!!!!!!!

  3. I know.
    People don’t realize how young she was.
