Friday, June 10, 2022

This Little Girl Started It All!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                       This is Linda Scheley, in her only film role, as Ginny Simpson, in 1957's "The Monolith Monsters."  She is the one who finds the first stone, brings it home, and starts the trouble growing and slowly plowing through her town.  Now, she is also endangered by potentially turning into stone. What this sad excuse for a film, which Svengoolie showed again last Saturday, needed was a Medusa figure, with snake hair, to liven things up.  The only thing lively was Lola Albright, as a 1950's spinster schoolteacher, heavily kissing Grant Williams (hubba, hubba!) and wearing slacks on a school field trip! Slacks!  In the 1950's??????????  Scandalous.

                                         It is also sad Linda's career went nowhere.  David said she was a disciple of Rhoda Penmark, but that was done to perfection by Patty McCormack the previous year.  Her acting was as leaden as the stone statue she was turning into, which explains no follow up projects could be found for her.  And David is technically right; by bringing that thing home, she did kill her parents!  What an evil kid!  The last shot of her shows her recovering in a hospital bed.  Maybe from there she was institutionalized.  

                                             Which is my way of saying this film should have been so.

                                              Please, Svengoolie, don't show this one again!  Consign it to the vault, permanently!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                Monoliths make boring monsters!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!