Friday, June 10, 2022

Now, This Is The REAL THING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                           If you have not heard by now, girls, Beanie Feldstein has Covid, and has been out of the show, "Funny Girl" all week, and will be out this weekend.  Nothing has been said about when she will return to the show.  In the meantime, her more than adept standby, Julie Benko, is filling in for her.

                                             Let me start by saying I don't wish Covid on anyone, after having gone through the last two years.  So, I wish Beanie a speedy recovery. And a complete one.

                                              But, things having happened as they have, the question begs to be asked--does she actually have it?  There is something suspiciously convenient in getting it during TONY Week, which will give her a legit excuse to skip the ceremonies on Sunday.  When  Ramin Karimloo was out with Covid, it was instantly announced he would return within ten days.  Not so Beanie.  A messenger posted somewhere the suggestion that they should try out Jane Lynch as Fanny, the implication there being that no one really wants Beanie back at all.  It's like she is something they are stuck with, or the producers and director are stubbornly trying to save face and careers by not denigrating her, or getting her out of the show.

                                                 Which is what I think all of this is about.  But there will come a time, and it is not far away, when Beanie will be tossed out the door, into the alley, on her fat little butt!

                                    Meanwhile, here is how "The Music That Makes Me Dance" REALLY sounds. And since it was used instead of "My Man" (which could not be included, for legal reasons) I have included it, too!

                                         Get 'em, Julie!!!!!!!!!!!  And forget Beanie!  You will, once you hear these tracks, girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. I share your skepticism.
    Covid now of all times. How convenient.
    Refresh my memory, what is so special about Beanie??
    Seriously. She auditioned and won?? Or special treatment???

  2. Victoria,
    Beanie Feldstein was known as a first rate
    comic second banana in movies like "Ladybird"
    and "Booksmart." And she is very good at it.
    Only she has proclaimed herself some sort of
    musical theater figure, and someone bought into
    it, maybe due to family connections.

    Yes, we are on the same page. During TONY week?
    What a break for Julie Benko?
    Did I tell you, David and I have tkts to see Julie
    on August 27, when Beanie takes another vacation!
    Looking forward to it.

    And if it comes to ME stepping in--I am the last
    of the belters--I will send you a comp, and plane

  3. I know you will!!!!
    And I would go!!!!
    Thanks for the summary of the Beanie phenomenon.
    That explains a Lot!!

  4. Victoria,
    And there is more on the Beanie
    situation to come.
