Wednesday, June 1, 2022

Happy Pride Month, Everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                       Hons, let me be the first to tell you--you don't have to be gay to celebrate Pride Month.  Not it doesn't help, but we welcome all. Even Mitch McConnell and his crowd, if only they were capable of becoming enlightened.

                                          Alas, they are not.

                                          So, every day this month, not just on June's final Sunday, take pride in your gayness.  It brought you to where you are now--and I can speak for myself, there--so use every day to celebrate the individuality of who you are.  And no one can own that, but you!  And no one can take that away from you, or hurt you, however hard they may try.

                                             Gay is great, baby, and this is our month for it!

                                              Now, since almost every post has had a song, I thought Pride should have a symbolic song, look what I have come up with.

                                       That's right, dolls!  Babs on that Staten Island ferry!

                                       March that band out, everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. I much prefer Barbra on the ferry.
    As opposed to Kim and Pete. “Look at Us!! We’re just like You!”

  2. Victoria,
    There is no one like Barbra!
    What better symbol for pride?
    And that ferry shot? Gorgeous!
