Friday, June 3, 2022

So Much Fun Last Week, Wasn't It, Darlings???????????????????????

                                   For those of us still mired by Covid, and who wouldn't dare go on a major vacation, a repeat viewing of "House On Haunted Hill" is almost like taking a mini-vacation.  So much fun and games; who wouldn't want to spend a night here?
                                   Speaking of heads, how about this one?  This G-rated thriller gives more head than any Triple XXX-er.  Heads were big in Hollywood in 1959.  I cannot prove it, but I am pretty certain this was the same head used in "The Four Skulls Of Jonathan Drake," released that year. Which would also make a great film for Svengoolie to show, or Sventoonie to deconstruct.

                                       And speaking of Sventoonie, we want to know, is he coming back?  Because we want more of him.  I speak not only for David and myself, but for others who watch the program.  And we all love Blob E. Blob!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                         "House On Haunted Hill" is camp at its highest, and is welcome anytime!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                          "  Booooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"


  1. Oh dear, I’m so naughty but my mother is looking a little like that after her skin cancer surgery!
    We’ve been over there every day this week; she refuses to be seen in public.
    I was not prepared for how much they had to cut out; they ended up having to do a skin graft!!

  2. Victoria,

    So sorry to hear of your mother's
    experience. How hard for you.
    I had Moh's surgery above one of my
    eyes, but it is barely noticeable.
    A skin graft? OMG! No wonder your
    mother does not want to be seen!
    My thoughts and prayers are with you.
